There is honestly no better feeling than finding the perfect handbag, is there? A bag that marries style with practicality, one that stands the test of time and will always have us looking our best, no matter which trends come and go.
A good handbag will always be by our side, ensuring we look on point while keeping everything we need close to hand.
And, with this in mind, perhaps it’s time that you invested in a woven straw bag, an absolute wardrobe staple that every fashion-forward soul should have.
But don’t just take our word for it! Look to the one and only Jane Birkin if you’re still unsure as to the straw bag’s style icon credentials, as she was renowned for carrying one on her arm at all times… and if it’s good enough for Jane, then it’s certainly good enough for us!
Although this style of bag was certainly popularised by Jane, they’ve actually been serving us well for a very long time, with the Ancient Egyptians using both straw and raffia bags to store produce, so sporting one yourself means you’ll be part of a very long tradition indeed… and you can’t say fairer than that!
As time went on, straw bags evolved from being used for storage purposes and became more decorative to look at, used for toting personal belongings around and about. Come the Victorian era, straw started to become more popular as a material for fashionable items, first with hats and then later with handbags and purses.
And then, of course, once the inimitable Coco Chanel started featuring the material in her own designs and collections, the fashion fate of straw was sealed and we can certainly all agree that this is something to be celebrated!
We love the fact that something as seemingly simple as straw is still very much a firm favourite among designers and fashionistas alike… and long may this continue!